

SETTING THE SCENE FOR A SALE - Chichester Festival Theatre and Henry Adams reveal top home staging tips

25 July 2016

SETTING THE SCENE FOR A SALE - Chichester Festival Theatre and Henry Adams reveal top home staging tips

The world of theatre can teach property sellers a few tricks of the trade when it comes to presenting your home for sale.  So we’ve joined forces with  Chichester Festival Theatre to reveal the top theatre staging strategies that homeowners can borrow for themselves.

“Theatre set designers are incredibly innovative and meticulous when it comes to setting a scene or create an atmosphere on stage,” said our chairman, Richard Williscroft. “As the lights go up in the theatre, the scene immediately sets the mood for the audience; it’s the same when a potential buyer walks in the front door of a house. 

“Fortunately some of those same techniques can be easily employed in the home to maximise its selling potential.”  

Vicky Gregory, corporate manager at Chichester Festival Theatre, agreed, adding: 

“There are certainly parallels between staging a production and showing a home.  A great deal of time and effort goes into designing our sets but there are some easy tips that every homeowner can master.”  

Top Tips To Staging Your Home  

1. Lights, Action

               One of the most important elements of theatre set design is lighting, which can evoke a myriad of moods or highlight key areas of the performance.  

               In the home, try using a combination of soft and bright lighting to focus attention on features or enhance dim corners.  

               Make the most of natural light by drawing back curtains and ensuring windows are spotless.   

2. Style Without Clutter

               On stage, every prop is carefully chosen and positioned to set the scene or convey the story.  

               Try giving your own ornaments and furnishings the same thoughtful consideration.  

               What you don’t love or need should be stored, sold or given away.

3. Make An Entrance

               Stage exits have to be kept clear and congestion-free so actors can move freely - and the same applies to a home. 

               Give hallways and stairs a thorough clear-out so that buyers don’t walk into piles of shoes and coats.

               Unobstructed flooring always gives the impression of more space.

4. Practical Props

               On stage, it’s essential that props and scenery don’t detract from the action, so doors shouldn’t squeak and rugs mustn’t slip.   

               Similarly, check that there are no annoying niggles that could distract from the beauty of your home, such as dripping taps or peeling paint.  

Follow these expert staging tips and you’ll be heading for a standing ovation – and a quicker sale.

As part of our on-going commitment to enhancing local community life, we are once again sponsoring the Chichester Festival Theatre’s summer musical. This year it’s ‘Half a Sixpence’ which is guaranteed to make a dazzling impression!

Photo courtesy of CFT by Philip Vile.

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