

We’re “March”ing on to Pastures New!

21 July 2015

We’re “March”ing on to Pastures New!

End of year celebrations at The March C of E Primary School, Chichester included the presentation of Year Books to the Year 6 children leaving the school this summer to begin their secondary education.

The stunning Year Book was compiled by dedicated parent Alison Macknay and sponsored by Henry Adams. Simon Smith, Partner from our Chichester branch and Dee Tickner, our Community Liaison Coordinator were invited to see the children receive their Year Book as a memento of treasured times with special friends from their Primary School days. Simon Smith comments, “We are delighted to support The March School, enabling their leavers to have a tangible reminder of their happy times at the school.” The children were thrilled to see their Year Book for the first time and hear their individual entries read out in assembly; each child had half a page dedicated to information about themselves and their best moments at school, while the remaining pages featured shared memories and special events. We wish all the children the very best of luck as they journey into pastures new!

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